HTS has a strong team of experienced developers that architect and develop business class applications in core programming languages: Java, Apex, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, Python and .Net. We develop and run applications on multiple PaaS environments such as, Heroku, Amazon Web Services, Google AppEngine, Azure and CloudFoundry.


  • Use cloud based development platforms to solve business problems
  • Bring products into service in an agile, cost effective manner
  • Leverage PaaS platforms, Heroku, ElasticBeanstalk, Google AppEngine, CloudFoundry, Azure
  • Create Alpha, Beta & Production Apps using Agile development methodologies
  • Provide Frontend, Backend, UI/UX user experiences based on user need
  • Core programming skills, Java, Apex, Ruby, node.js, PHP, Python, .Net
  • Employ rapid development practices
  • Create POC application and integration products
  • Full stack web development
  • Application deployment, management & monitoring to SaaS, PaaS, IaaS


  • PaaS development removes the burden of physical assets
  • Maintenance/people overheads are not placed on the customer
  • Complete technology development stacks provided by PaaS providers
  • Fast, cost effective route to application development and development skills
  • PaaS platforms provide infinitely scalable application stack
  • Guaranteed high availability hosted from secure facilities including PGA environments
  • Agile development of Alpha & POC applications and integrations
  • User needs based development following GDS Standards and guidelines